Lincoln Miniature Warfare Society


Lincoln Miniature Warfare Society was formed in 1993 in the historic city of Lincoln, the heart of “Bomber County”.

We are a small, friendly club playing a variety of games from skirmishes through to large battles and campaigns in many of the popular figure scales from 28mm to 6mm.

We aim to cover most periods of history as well as Fantasy and Sci-Fi, and we are open to trying new rules and ideas.

The games take place on an informal basis and the aim is that everyone should have a good time and enjoy themselves.
Some of our recent games include
Saga 02 Hundred Hours Chain of Command
Lion Rampant Xenos Rampant The Pikeman's Lament
Space Station Zero Target for Tonight To The Strongest / For King and Parliament

We meet on Monday nights (except for Bank Holidays) between 19:00 and 22:00 at the
Brant Road Social Club
380 Brant Rd

New members are always welcome. If you are 18 or over why not come along on a Monday night and join in a game.

If you have any questions or would like more information please email

We put on games at Partizan & The Other Partizan and Hammerhead   -  some photos from The Other Partizan 13th October 2024